From "The Book of Oberon", a grimoire written between 1577-1583, translated by Daniel Harms, James R. Clark, and Joseph H. Peterson. 
Edited for Length and clarity by cleo varra
Previous: "Sirens"
Sunday’s spirits are subject to the sun and to the North wind. 
As a sign that they have appeared, one will break out into a sweat.
Petition them for gold; jewels; precious stones; grace; and goodwill. They can break down hostilities between people, grant honors or public office, and bring on or take away sickness. 
The archangel for Sunday is Michael.
The forms particular to the spirits of Sunday are:
A king with a scepter, riding a lion
A crowned king
A queen with a scepter
A shining figure
A bird, particularly a rooster
A lion
A scepter
A yellow or gold garment
Their movements are like the glittering of the sky.
Fumigation for Sunday: red sandalwood. Also good gums: mastic; musk.


Monday’s spirits are subject to the West wind, which is the wind of the moon. 
An enormous rainstorm is the sign that they have appeared.
Petition them for silver, and for transporting things from place to place. Petition them to grant speed to horses, and to reveal the secrets of people in the past and in the present. 
The archangel for Monday is Gabriel.
The forms particular to the spirits of Monday are: 
An arrow-armed king riding a fallow
A female huntress with a bow and arrow
A small boy
A cow
A doe
A goose
An arrow
A millipede
A green or silvery garment
Their movements are like a mighty storm at sea.
The fumigation for Monday is oud. Also good-smelling leaves: myrtle; bay laurel. 
Tuesday’s spirits are subject to Mars and to the East wind. 
Thunder and lightning are signs that they have appeared.
Their office is to cause battles, death, murder, and burnings; and to grant death, sickness, and health. Petition them to temporarily grant a battalion of up to 2,000 soldiers. 
The archangel for Tuesday is Samael.
The forms particular to the spirits of Tuesday are: 
An armed king riding a wolf
An armed man
A woman wearing a shield around her thigh
A he-goat
A horse
A stag
A red garment
A tapeworm
The fumigation for Tuesday is pepper. Also: sandalwood (red, black, white); and all trees such as cypress, etc. 

Wednesday’s spirits are subject to the Southwest wind and to Mercury.
Their nature is to procure all kinds of metals, and to transmute bodies from mixed elements conditionally into one another. They reveal earthly matters past, present, and future; teach all experiments; and rebuild destroyed knowledge. They can appease judges, and give victory in battle. They can also give sickness, help elevate the poor, cast down or bind the mighty, unbind spirits, and open locks. These spirits have the operations of all the other days; but not with perfect power, ability, or knowledge. 
The archangel for Wednesday is Raphael.
The forms particular to the spirits of Wednesday are: 
A king riding a bear
An attractive young man
A woman holding a distaff
A dog
A she-bear
A magpie
A wand
A staff
A variable-colored garment
They are translucent, and their movements are like silvery clouds. 
A sign of their appearance is that one starts to shiver. 
The fumigation for Wednesday is mastic. Also: nutmeg; cloves; citrus; powdered orange rind; and other good-tasting fruits.
Thursday’s spirits are subject to Jupiter and to the North wind. 
Their nature is to acquire the love of women; to cause people to be happy and joyful; to pacify quarrels; to calm enemies; to heal the sick and to make healthy people sick; and to bring or to remove condemnation or losses. 
The archangel for Thursday is Sachiel. 
The forms particular to the spirits of Thursday are: 
A king with an unsheathed sword, riding a stag
A man in a long garment wearing a miter
A girl with a crown of laurel that is decorated with flowers
A bowl
A stag
A peacock
A sword
An azure garment
Their appearance is mild, and their conversation is soothing. They are rust-colored, and flash as they move.
A sign of their appearance is the illusion of men being devoured by lions. 
The fumigation for Thursday is crocus. Also: cinnamon, cassia lignea, laurel bark, mace, and other good rinds. 
Friday’s spirits are subject to Venus and to the West wind. 
Their nature is to give silver; to arouse men and to incline them to extravagance; to bring harmony to enemies through extravagance; to make marriages; to gently draw men into love for women; to give and to remove weakness; and to make all moving things. 
The archangel for Friday is Anael.
The forms particular to the spirits of Friday are: 
A knight with a scepter, riding a camel
A girl with beautiful girls
A nude girl
A she-goat
A camel
A pigeon
The herb savin
White or green garments
Their color is white or green, and gilded from above. Their movements are like the brightest star. 
A sign of their appearance is that girls will be seen, calling for the one who has invoked them to come and play. 
The fumigation for Friday is costus. Also: musk; roses; violets; crocus; and other good-smelling flowers. 
Saturday’s spirits are subject to Saturn and to the Southwest wind. 
Their nature is to sow discord, hatred, and evil thoughts; to kill and to mutilate limbs; and to give the metal lead if desired.
The archangel for Saturday is Cassiel.
The forms particular to the spirits of Saturday are:
A bearded king riding a dragon
An old man with a beard
An elderly woman leaning on canes
A pig
A dragon
A horned owl
A sickle
A black garment
They have four faces: one on the back of the head and one on either side of their head; they likewise have faces on each knee, and each face has a beak. They are translucent and black in color. Their movements are like wind. 
The sign of their appearance is a white ground, much brighter than snow. 
Their incense is sulfur; however, after the opinion of Solomon, their incense should be made out of all good things and good-smelling roots such as costus, frankincense, etc.
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