By Cleo Varra (IG: @cleovarra)
1. A vintage occult book of unknown quality
2. A pink skull rosary
3. An occult novelty shirt
4. A second occult novelty shirt
5. "The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting"
6. A Fate Magazine pulp paperback
7. Horns on a hat
8-9. Two more novelty shirts
10. "Psychometry and the Occult Arts"
11. A cheeky ouija pin
12. A scorpion beanie
13. A playbill from the World Festival of Magic and the Occult
14-15. Silver charms of a dagger and of a hand holding a snake
16. The complete films of Kenneth Anger
17. A mano figa
18. A book from the Satanic Panic era
19. The Occult Tarot deck
20. A patch against the evil eye
Editor's note: This is from the back of "Fourteen Things Witches Hope Parents Never Find Out About": 
“For years, witchcraft has been seasonable. It seems every September and October, witches are on bulletin boards, front porches, and windows, as decorations for the upcoming Halloween season. But, I have news for you. Witchcraft is not just for Halloween anymore. Our children are prime targets of these beliefs. 365 days a year, children are being preyed upon by witchcraft through the promotion of cartoons, toys, and games. There are also professional witches in the field of education. This puts our children in a very vulnerable position. It has been said, those who control the youth control the future. Could there be a plan in witchcraft to control the future of your children? Does God promise to protect Christian homes when parents allow occult items in their homes? No. Through this book, you will learn some alarming evidence. Some of the information in this book includes:
- Understanding which witch is which, is there a difference between white and black magic?
- Are trolls, smurfs, mermaids, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other cartoons and games safe for your children?
- 14 secrets witches hope you never find out
- 7 practical ways to prevent your child from getting involved in witchcraft
- 27 scriptural admonitions for protecting your children.”
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